Wireframing & Prototyping

The best design follows an iterative process;

• We undertake research, working with users to identify the underlying user requirements that need to be addressed.
• With this research in hand, we define the problem we’re trying to solve and establish a hypothesis.
• With the problem defined, we enter to ideation stage where possible solutions are sketched and wireframed.
• Using this prototype we test your assumptions, measuring against your hypothesis.
• Finally, we return to stage one, refining your thinking and iterate through the process again, working your way closer to a finished solution

Sketching and Wireframing occur during the Ideation stage of our design process. This is where we attempt to generate as many ideas as possible in order to iterate toward better and more refined solutions. The ideation phase is one of the few places where quantity matters as much as quality. The ability to generate multiple ideas and variations on a single idea allows you to view the faults and merits of each.

The more designs we produce, the more individual ideas we have to choose from. Focusing on creating only good ideas may restrict ideas; instead, we try to create as many ideas as possible (including bad ideas). This will remove creative blocks and free us up to mass produce ideas.