Aer Lingus Blog Website

Client:     Aer Lingus (Social Media Team)
Role:        Web Developer/UX/UI
Date:       2018

In 2017 I was approached by the in-house Social Media team in Aer Lingus to develop a replacement website for the Aer Lingus Blog.

The Social Media team provided a basic brief, but to get a better understanding of how the blog website was used, and to explore the possible business advantages, we held a number of 1-hour workshops. Through these meetings we developed a larger list of key deliverables;

  • Replace an old & outdated blog website
  • New site must be responsive
  • Update to new brand styles and fonts
  • Improve general UX and readability
  • The new site should be able to house promotional content for Aer Lingus destinations – including video
  • Be able to align with new marketing strategies / new destination launches / company announcements
  • Be usable by multiple authors & contributors in an expanding team
  • Increase traffic to the main website
  • New site should be trackable to record conversion
  • Meet WCAG 2.0 accessibility standards

Another – more delicate, consideration on this project was a request from the Social Media team to build this website outside of the main Aer Lingus IT environment. This was intended to make the blog content more flexible and editable without dev involvement or dependencies. Development time and effort costs money and affects budgets, so if possible, the hope was that we could avoid having to obtain dev assistance and any trade-offs in decision making between IT projects and marketing content for the blog.

This is how the blog was constructed, but it involves a lot of co-ordination between our external hosts and Aer Lingus IT on security issues such as SSL certificates and

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